
I love your writing, and I love the idea of finding the song God wants me to dance to! Beautiful!

I also wanted to let you know that your article regarding the Biblical Case against Donald Trump has been so helpful. We spent a week last month with my brothers and their wives. These are my 'new' birth brothers, that I found 10 years ago. (I was adopted at birth) One of my brothers and his family were believers when I found them, and one became a believer the first year. And our other brother, Steve, has had such a hard time with all the change and doesn't understand how God got them, but not him. He is an honest soul and he and I are constantly in dialogue about faith and God, etc. He has told me that I am the only Christian who can handle all his questions and his doubts. So the week they were in, your substack article came out, and we spent a number of days discussing your writing. My brother was so impressed it and it made so much sense to him. One of our brothers has been a Christian for 40 years, is a major Trump supporter and it has so baffled Steve. It was so encouraging to see him read and discuss and feel validated by your writing. Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that God was using you and your gift in a random house out in the suburbs of Chicago for a couple of days in October right before the election. I am so enjoying the 'gift/song' you are bringing. God bless you.

Lori Mazzenga

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Thank you, Lori! I'm so glad it was helpful.

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